Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Dana" script update

So, after months of slaving over a script, my sister and I have finally come to a final script! While I'm in the process of converting it to the proper formatting, we're both quite happy with how the dialogue flows and where the story goes. This brings about the next task in the film, which is building a budget and finding a producer; followed closely by location scouting, building a crew, setting shoot dates, acquiring the equipment, selling my soul to get this film in action... but they will all be tackled as they arise. I've talked to a few people already that I'm confident will be able to help me out in various departments, so the main concern is building up the capital to make this happen. I'm confident that's a task that can be done, especially considering I'm not running an extremely large budget, and I've heard first-hand stories of others raising ten times the amount I'm asking in places less known for filming.

However, with that said, I figure it's my duty to provide a sneak peak into the script - by dropping a few lines from it.

Dave (rigid, irritated):
“You know, I tolerate you because for some crazy reason, Dana seems to like you. But don’t think you fool me– I see the way you look at her when you think no one’s watching. So, in addition to politely asking you once again ‘What are you doing here?’ I’m also going to say back off from the door.”

Scott (passionate, near-uncontrolled anger):
“Fuck you Laduke, I was invited. And don’t give me that hypocritical bullshit; you’re no different to that last bastard I had to help Dana get away from. Don’t think I didn’t see the bruises on her wrist.”

That's all for now - chew over that one! (And yes, it's copyrighted, for anyone wondering).


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